Life Transformation Groups 2024
Life Transformation Groups are how we stay unified as a church. Check out the groups below and click “Join Group” to signup for a particular LTG. The group leader will then contact you with the details..
Discussion questions:
1. Did anyone have a significant moment during any portion of Sunday’s service?
2. Pastor spoke about how creation and redemption are both rooted in communication, and that we need the Holy Spirit ‘s help in order to stop communicating in algorithms. (e.g., like robots that answer your phone calls). He spoke about how our communication can either bring about “growth” or the “grave”, by asking vulnerable questions (not producing instant decisions), groaning in harmony with others (not groaning alone), and becoming one with the Holy Spirit (not performing the Holy Spirit). Can you give any examples from your life when communication brought about either growth or death? (don’t use names).
3. This is the last LTG meeting for this session. What was your most memorable/helpful moment? Do you feel LTGs are as life-giving as they are intended to be? Would you consider hosting an LTG next session? (why/why not?).
Monday - 6:30P.M.
Jeff and Donna are hosting a Monday night 6:30PM Life Transformation Group in Beacon. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. No children please.
Monday - 7:00 P.M.
Kayla Allen is hosting this Monday night 7:00PM Life Transformation Group in Poughkeepsie. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. Children welcome.
Tuesday - 7:00 P.M.
George and Cheryl are hosting a Tuesday night 7:00PM Life Transformation Group in Fishkill. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. No children please.
Tuesday - 7:00P.M.
Steve and Rosanna are hosting a Tuesday night 7:00 PM Life Transformation Group in Fishkill. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. Kids are welcome, they won’t be supervised.
Wednesday - 7:00 P.M.
Ian and Keri are hosting this Wednesday night 7:00PM Life Transformation Group in Poughkeepsie. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. Kids welcome, they won’t be supervised.
Wednesday - 7:00P.M.
Michael and Clare are hosting a Wednesday night 7:00PM Life Transformation Group in Wappingers. Bring your favorite snack, for a time of fellowship, prayer and discussing the sermon. No Children.