Men’s Ministry

We believe that God has ordained three great social institutions: the Family, the Church, and the State. We believe that one of the fundamental components that is required for each of these institutions to be successful is the presence of mature, Christ-like men. Subsequently, we believe that the problems and disappointments we currently endure in all three of these institutions can be traced back to the failure of men to be mature and Christ-like.

The Men’s Ministry has been established to address this issue directly through fellowship and the study of the Scriptures. We usually get together for breakfast and they are truly significant, life-changing events – they have to be! Seriously…we cannot afford to slack off and hope for the best; we NEED to be transformed by the renewing of our minds!

The vision and purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to provide the training needed so that when Jesus calls our men to mission, we’re able to participate with him in this Kingdom work!

If you’re 18 or older (or 16 and have your parents permission!), please consider this your invitation to join us for some explicitly biblical and practical training!