Becoming More Aware – week 2

Becoming More Aware – week 2

After God calls us out of hiding what do we do? This week in our Lent series “Becoming More Aware” Pastor Bill unpacks the idea that like Abraham, and Nicodemus God calls us move from the familiar. Be blessed as you listen.

Becoming More Aware

Becoming More Aware

What if Lent is not about repenting for the bad we do, but for the way we mishandle what is good? For the first Sunday in Lent, Pastor Bill shares our focus for the season in the sermon: “Becoming More Aware”.

Value-ABLE Final

Value-ABLE Final

This Sunday Pastor Bill preached a message about Law and Judgment only being life giving if they meet in the Person of Jesus Christ. If you feel judged or struggle with judging, this message is for you. Be blessed as you listen.

Value-ABLE – part 3

Value-ABLE – part 3

Do you feel like you are always getting it right, or getting it wrong? This week in our Value-ABLE series Pastor Bill offers a third option…Jesus the reconciling life. He went on to say if we immerse ourselves in the church and a life of repentance Jesus stands in the place of us getting it...

Value-ABLE part 2

Value-ABLE part 2

On Sunday Pastor Bill preached a strong message on the extremes of “Moralism” and “Relativism,” stating that, as the church, we have to live a life of intercession. This intercessory life hurts because we are torn between the two like Jesus on the cross. Please use this chart to help navigate the sermon as you...



Value-ABLE our new series for February has the goal of imaging the Father’s heart in our hearts and not merely having “Values”. This first message is a really an intro to the series making sure our values start from the right place. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Surprising Joy…Far As the Curse Is Found…

Surprising Joy…Far As the Curse Is Found…

What if Jesus’ path in life is showing us more than we ever imagined.  For Baptism of the Lord Sunday Pastor Bill preaches Israel’s path as lived by Jesus Christ, the perfect Israel – the perfect human. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Joy…Far as the Curse is Found…

Joy…Far as the Curse is Found…

What if joy was meant for times when life feels like a curse, as well when life feels blessed? For the twelfth day of Christmas Pastor shared two areas emphasis for Salem this year. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

The Afterparty

The Afterparty

In the time after Christmas day Pastor Bill describes the feelings that our culture goes through. We can be prone to cling to surface security. Christ offers us the “depth of the manger”. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Advent – God With Us – Week 3

Advent – God With Us – Week 3

What if is not our job to be the light but to carry the embers that will be the light.? For the third week of Advent Pastor Bill suggests that it may be our job to be the first lights of sunrise, introducing the full shining light that is Jesus. We hope you are blessed...

Advent – God With Us – week 2

Advent – God With Us – week 2

What if hope doesn’t look like we think it does? For the second week of Advent Pastor Bill offers that Jesus is always showing up, and removes prey by changing the predator. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Advent – God With Us – Week 1

Advent – God With Us – Week 1

In today’s culture most of us struggle with waiting. For Advent week one Pastor Bill offers the solution to why we wait, what we wait for, and how we wait. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

The Essentials – Mystery

The Essentials – Mystery

Did you ever think that mystery could be an essential part of our faith? Listen as Pastor Bill offers that all of our faith is encompassed in mystery and God’s gift to us to search it out is the church and it’s seasons. It’s our hope you are blessed as you listen.

The Essentials – Learning

The Essentials – Learning

How would you define learning in your journey of faith? In this weeks sermon Pastor Bill defines learning as being open to new things, and open to seeing old things in new ways. We hope you are encouraged as you listen to this weeks message in our series “The Essentials”.

The Essentials – Witnessing

The Essentials – Witnessing

Do you find it difficult to talk about God and witness to people about Jesus? In this sermon Pastor Bill offers a simple solution through the story of Zacchaeus. Be blessed as you listen.                

The Essentials – Generostiy

The Essentials – Generostiy

Do you have a generous heart? Listen as Pastor Bill describes how God is always pouring into us and what our proper response should be. It’s our hope that you are blessed as you listen.

Summer Nights – Let There Be Rest – Day 4

Summer Nights – Let There Be Rest – Day 4

Are you weighted down by feeling like your life is only as good as your performance in it? In this message, Pastor Bill suggests we have been taking God’s burden on ourselves in unhealthy ways. Please listen and feel free in a God who acts for us and not just in response to us.

Summer Nights Are Almost Here  – 3

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 3

In a culture of overwork and toxic rest, how do we move forward? Pastor Bill shares a personal experience and suggests that Jesus teaches us rest in the midst of chaos. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 2

Summer Nights Are Almost Here – 2

Are you burnt out, and don’t know what to do about it? This week Pastor Bill contrasts Elijah, the Demoniac and Jesus. He offers that we often look for God in productivity and He often shows up in something unproductive. We hope you are blessed as you listen. Graphics from Sunday

Summer Nights – Are Almost Here

Summer Nights – Are Almost Here

Have you ever had a day off and not felt rested after it was over? Listen as Pastor Bill sets up our next series “summer nights”. He offers that asking for wisdom can make us people that can celebrate the God we serve. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Summer Nights

Summer Nights

Have you ever felt like the chaos in your mind defines you? Listen as Pastor Bill Dandreano preaches “Summer Nights” and offers a fresh way to look at rest.

Jesus the Hopeful Life | the life that invites | week 4

Jesus the Hopeful Life | the life that invites | week 4

On Mother’s Day the final message in our Jesus the Hopeful life series was taken from Psalm 23 and John 10. Pastor Bill discusses that we live in constant dissonance between what we know to be true and what we see. What fills that space is vital to the flourishing of our lives. Be blessed...

Jesus the Hopeful Life – the life that invites

Jesus the Hopeful Life – the life that invites

Happy Easter, this year Pastor Bill preached a sermon entitled “Jesus the hopeful life, the life that invites”. Pastor offers the idea that in the resurrection Jesus invites us into HIS moment where we encouter trust, emptiness, and possibility. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

This Is My Best

This Is My Best

For Palm Sunday Pastor Bill Dandreano preached a sermon called “This Is My Best”. Our Palms this year will be become next years ashes for Ash Wednesday. This can signify how fleeting our praise can be. Pastor highlights seven signs we are living restless lives, and what Jesus’ love makes possible. This service was a...

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